Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Well Driven

So, on my way back from going to see my 94 year old Grandad today, I was behind an Asda lorry that had that sticker on the back. You know the one I mean, "Well Driven? Call 0800 000 000" (or whatever the number is).

My question today is, has anyone ever telephoned the number to complain about the driving of any particular lorry/van/truck?

And stranger still, has anyone every rung to say the vehicle had been driven well??


Graeme said...

No, always been worried it diverts to the drivers mobile - one wrong word, and the shutter comes up, next thing you know your car is buried under 20 dozen packs of lavender pink andrex, and half a pound of turnips!

Fiona said...


Dawn said...

You could always post your mobile on the back of your car and see if you get any calls?