Monday, 30 April 2007

Walk the Walk

Ok, so I havn't been blogging too much lately. In fact, it's because I have been out walking the streets!!(please no comments). I have been in training for the Moonwalk. For those that don't know, the Moonwalk is 26.2 miles (roughly the marathon route) around London. The slight difference to the Marathon is that the Moonwalk takes place over-night. Yes, we start at around 11pm and walk all night, finishing about 8am.

Apparently it is not unknown to hallucinate that there are comfy beds in the middle of the road and try and get into them!!! Pity the poor chap driving home from night shift, to find a group of hallucinating women, dressed in bras, trying to get into his 4x4!!!

And yes, you've guessed it, the attire for the evening is decorated bras. (obviously warm jogging bottoms and trainers as well). I know, should I really be doing this? (again, please don't comment). AND I won't be telling you when and where the walk finishes, NO-ONE will be seeing me in so little attire.

The event is raising money for Breast Cancer research - for those interested, I do have a sponsor form - although it's not obligatory to donate!! I only have to raise £100 this time (last year it was £1,500). And I will be walking for those people I met last year who have had or who are still battling this disease and for two friends, recently diagnosed, and who are fighting it at the moment!!!!!

So anyone at Roots this year who fancies a walk to Liverpool, just let me know!!

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Liviu Librescu

I was reading the paper yesterday about this dreadful, awful tragedy at Virginia Tech. One article, amongst many, brought me to tears. It was the one about Professor Liviu Librescu teaching that morning Solid Maths. He was in his mid 70's, born in Romania, sent to Soviet labour camp as a boy after his father was deported by the Nazi's. He emigrated to Israel with his wife some years later. He took a sabatical to USA, stayed, and had been teaching at Virginia Tech for a number of years. In fact he had loved his job so much he was still teaching long after retirement. He heard the gunshots and got his class to jump out of the window whilst he barricaded the door with his body. When the gunman shot through the door, he obviously took the full force of those bullets. One student in a letter to his wife said "I saw your husband still standing there. He was holding the door closed and looking over his shoulder to make sure everybody else was safe. It was the bravest thing I have ever seen.!" The commentator concluded "Let those he saved now make the most of it!"

Thursday, 12 April 2007

"It's Only Words........!"

I must relay to you the conversation (!) I had yesterday whilst helping at a christian eating/refreshment establishment (aka coffee morning).

An older lady approached me to say that she thought my niece was a lovely little girl, with a lovely smile and she really liked looking at her on the platform in the singing company and also when she came round with the collection plate on a Sunday morning.

Yes, I agreed, the little girl was lovely!!

The lady continued....."but then your sister has a lovely way about her doesn't she! She always smiles. I always smile because that is how we were brought up! It doesn't cost anything to smile you know!"

Yes, I agreed and (cheekily) then asked that all important question "Do I have a lovely way about me then?!"

"Well you are different arn't you!"

What does that mean exactly?!?!?! Comments welcomed!!

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Well Driven

So, on my way back from going to see my 94 year old Grandad today, I was behind an Asda lorry that had that sticker on the back. You know the one I mean, "Well Driven? Call 0800 000 000" (or whatever the number is).

My question today is, has anyone ever telephoned the number to complain about the driving of any particular lorry/van/truck?

And stranger still, has anyone every rung to say the vehicle had been driven well??

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Never one to shirk a challenge

Well, Liz said on her blog for Good Friday that I had to start blogging.

To stop spectating and start participating.

Well here goes .......!!

You didn't expect words of wisdom today did you? I have to make a cake!!!