Thursday, 21 June 2007

Participator or Spectator

Hey guys,

Been SOOOOOOOO busy lately, not been able to post anything. Both of mine have had birthdays this month. Both had parties - actually Hannah's has been postponed till this weekend coz of her GCSE's. There's another "wing-clipper". Had to be available to drive her to and from exams for the last few weeks as well as helping her revise for them, I felt like I had been timetabled by the school. So, with shopping for pressies, exams, organising parties, exams, shopping for food for parties, exams, attending parties, exams, - you get the picture - I've had little time to think of anything remotely interesting for the blog.

But I have been able to log on and read your lovely posts and comment where I can. So now it's time for me to participate again and not spectate. Ooooh, that phrase brings back memories.

It used to be used by a friend of ours when he was leading a meeting. Aimed at those who would watch the proceedings of a devotional meeting and not get involved.

Not that anyone does that now eh!?


Dawn said...

ahem! good to have you back.

Ann said...

At a conference I was at recently I tried very hard to be a spectator in one particular worship session BUT ended up being very much a participant by washing/creaming/varnishing about 10 people's feet and nails!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I have tried to do it a few times too. It never works!

Liz said...

That sounds like an intriguing worship session!

Yes, agree, I find it hard to be objective about anything, so am very much a participant.

Fiona said...

Woah Ann! I was just thinking I needed a pedicure - do you charge much?

Anonymous said...

She gave pedicures professionally before she became an officver! Isn't that right Ann! Thats the rumour I heard!!!!!