Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Tagged x2

OK, I've been tagged twice (thanks Ann and Dawn). So I have to go to the nearest two books and carry out the instructions printed below.

"Do I need another drink or what?" (from "The Lizard's Bite by David Hewson)

"How will I respond to God's word today?" (from "I saw the Lord" by Anne Graham Lotz)

Here's is what this is about - the rules:
Grab the book closest to you
Turn to page 161
Print the 5th complete sentence on your blog
Tag 5 others.

I tag (although there are not many left) Keith H, Dawn, Hannah B, Kirsty, & Ann


Ann said...

Have done another one - thanks Fiona !

Liz said...


Fiona - you are going to LOVE this blog!

I came across it just now looking for a picture to describe how I felt today, didn't use it in the end though - guess which one it was!

Anonymous said...

aunty fiona please blog... i keep checking... everyday!! i miss ur great bloggage!!
hope your ok
sarah x