Following on from my last post, you will be pleased to hear that Messy Church went very well indeed.
Unfortunately, I burnt myself on the oven and so next time will be wearing something similar to the picture opposite.
Lots of advice as to what I should do to minimise the after effects of the burn. It was run under freezing cold water for two lots of 5 minutes, it had a pack of frozen onions placed on it until I started to smell like a burger bar. Butter and yogurt were suggested!!!! Things were starting to resemble the beginnings of a night at the curry house (onions, yogurt, butter......!!)
A friend kindly went home to cut the branches off her Aloe Vera plant so I could rub the sap into the burn. Apparently, her plant did not sacrifice itself in vain, this seemed to work.
Someone else suggested I wrap the burn in cling film. But I have to say that just reminded me of the clip in the Full Monty and so I declined that advice.
You will be pleased to know the burn has gone down quite a bit. No blistering, although the heat from my arm could give the oven a run for it's money!!