Have been out and about visiting various Universities.
So, what constitutes a good University?
Do we mark the course content?
What about the teaching staff? Are they passionate or would they send you to sleep? And believe me some of them did!
What about student accommodation? Well, don't even go there!!! Ensuite, preferable. Non-ensuite - does that mean sharing bathroom/toilet facilities between 2 or 20?
What is the campus like? Can you get to town easily? Do you have to pay for internet access? Do you get free bus pass? What about campus food outlets? What about student life - and I mean night life?
And what about plain old "gut feeling". That feeling that you get when you walk through the door. Has happened once - "don't like this place!"
I have to say we have come back from each visit brain dead. So much information to take in and desperate to try and remember some of it!!
Last visit was to Plymouth. Really lovely place, university had so much spent on it, very state of the art campus. Even the accommodation wasn't that bad!!!!! We stayed in a local hotel over night so we were there nice and earlier on open day and what should be opposite the hotel and indeed the University, but the Salvation Army Hall. Felt right at home. The only drawback - it takes 5 hours to get there!!! And 5 hours back home again!!!
Having said she wanted to be away from home, I think the reality is dawning and that seemed a long way away. Long way to go and pick up the laundry!!!
Three down, only another 6 or so to go.